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8 Words guaranteed to Change your Mind to a Winning Way today.
We’ve talked about having a positive mindset a lot so far. Your mindset is a direct reflection of the way you perceive what’s happening around you. For example, if you have a lot of fear around a virus turning deadly and letting it dramatically affect the way you live life, then that perception will dictate your mindset. However, if you perceive that things aren’t as bad as the media wants you to believe, then your mindset will be in a different place.
The bottom line is this:
If we control our interpretation, we control our world.
The way we view things, the way we interpret our perspective, is shaped by our interpretation. I did a Win It Minute video one time which was about my kids having candy on Easter. My youngest daughter was two years old at the time, and her two older brothers were taking her candy. Of course, she was upset about this.
She struggled to open the wrapper on one of her candies, so I reached down and said, “Here, I’ll open it for you.”
I tried to grab it from her so I could help her, but because of her previous encounters with her brothers taking candy, she thought I was trying to steal it. So, she threw a fit and ran away from me.