Hi, thanks for joining us for another Win It Minute. I recently visited a construction site where they’re building a bunch of homes. It reminded me of a great story on how you can build the biggest building, or the biggest home. I’ve got that tip for you in a second, but I want to start with my favorite quote “Motion creates emotion.” I’ve never been more aware of this then recently. Whenever you get stressed or you get angry or upset, the best thing to do is just get out and move. I like to go for a run or even go for a walk or just get out and talk to people. It relieves so much stress and it changes your mindset completely. You can have one conversation with one person and they can lift you up and you can do the same for other people.
What do you do when you talk to people? Are you lifting them up, building them up, or are you just contributing to the regular mindset and tearing others down? Just got done reading about people stuck in their houses for two, three days straight after bad weather…..And that’s when stress and tension’s at an all time high, because you really can’t do anything. You can’t control your environment, you’re just waiting and waiting and watching the news constantly talk about almost the end of the world and that stress is just almost becomes unbearable. And you can’t even hardly get outside, or move. So you’re not moving and creating positive emotion. And that news keeps compounding every single day. Because a tree that falls actually makes more noise then a forest, or a community that’s growing. So remember that.
Now if you want to build the biggest building, or the biggest house in your community, there’s two ways that you can do it according to Gary Vaynerchuk. You can actually put in the work and just work day by day, working with others to build it up day by… Perfecting your craft, working at it, doing things to improve, and to help other people. Talking with them, you’re complimenting people, putting in the work and the effort. Or you can build the biggest house, or the biggest building by tearing all the other ones around you down and some people do that. I’m sure you see that all the time, especially on social media. People complain and they like to tear the people down. You got to realize that you have the power every single day to build other people up and that in turn builds you up.
A great example of this is that I just read a study that says on any given day, a child hears 432 negative comments. You know crazy that is? And to hear only 32 positive comments. We’re so busy trying to break them down. Don’t do this. Don’t do that. Stop doing this. Why are you doing that? Where we could be teaching them, “Hey, this is the right thing to do in this moment. Hey, why don’t you try doing this.” And building up in a positive way because you have all the power, the energy, and effort to commend others and offer help to other people, either in your community.
I always see such great examples of community members coming together and help rebuild houses after hurricanes or bad weather, and that is the best way to do it. Help other people. Get out there and reach out. And in the end, by helping other people build up, you’re building yourself up, and building a solid foundation to build one of the biggest buildings. It’s not about tearing others down. Don’t let others tear you down to build their biggest building. And if you see them doing that, you know that they’re not putting in the right work, or the right effort and they’re not doing it the right way.
So now you know how to build the biggest building, the biggest business, whatever you want to do, or biggest home in your community. Work, put in the work, have a positive mindset, and help other people get what they want in life. So get out there and win your day, the biggest building way. #Wintheday