Member-only story
Proof That HOW YOUR DECISIONS NOT YOUR CONDITIONS Is Exactly What your looking for to win your Day.
Wherever you are, I hope you’re making an awesome day as No matter the challenges in front of you, every day presents an opportunity for you to win the day. A profound quote I once read stated: “Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking so makes it so.” What this means is it’s your decisions not your conditions that determines your success in any given day. You are empowered to take control of your decisions, which ultimately leads to your success or your failures. Your mindset is the power of free will that the only person that you can change in this world is yourself. And you can be an example to others to be that influencer of change, as it’s the way you can control your mindset and the way you view things.
I read this article that stated if you’re giving a speech and standing up in front of bunch of people and you start to feel nervous and you start breathing heavily, don’t try to calm yourself down because your body feels that energy. But use it in a positive way. Instead of feeling nervous and scared, remind your body that you’re excited to deliver this message, that you’re excited. Don’t try to calm your breathing down, but rather embrace it and use it for your benefit and be like, “I’m excited to deliver this message. I’m going to give a great speech,” and use…