The Hidden Mystery Behind HOW A MOVIE CAN AFFECT YOUR MINDSET TO WIN YOUR DAY and How to improve it.
Hi. Thanks for stopping by for another Win It Minute. You’re already on your way to an incredible day. I recently read an article that said the average human being has about 60,000 thoughts cross their mind on any given day. That’s a lot. I wonder how many of those are positive for you and how many of those are negative because your thoughts ultimately affect your mindset. You do know that where you are in life at this very moment is a direct result of all the thoughts you have planted in your own head and in your own mind over the last two to three years. You can create success because your thoughts create your own future. What you consume, what you watch, and what you listen to ultimately completely affects your thought process.
Have you ever noticed that if you watch a scary movie, your mind shift tends to change for a little bit? At least for a day or two, you start looking under the bed. You start overthinking that noise down the hall. Come on, don’t lie. I know it’s not only me, but a scary movie freaks you out and ultimately affects your thought process for a few days.
Now, I’m not saying don’t watch scary movies or those crime shows on TV. I’m just using it as an example of how what you plant in your mind, you ultimately think about and then you ultimately reap in your mindset. The great philosopher, Bill Walton, once noted that he found ultimately the secret to success is not a secret at all, as much as it is a choice. The choice to have a winning mindset above all else in life. He noted how he found that successful basketball players on winning teams had a collective mindset of winning first and foremost, above everything else. He found Michael Jordan, LeBron James, they lost in the beginning of their careers because they didn’t realize that that was the most important part of it. Once they discovered that mindset, that’s what defined them above everything else. So you too can find new opportunities out there every single day if you start with the right mindset. So come on, let’s win the day and stay positive. Thanks for joining us at the Win It Minute Win your Day Today! #Wintheday