The secret of how Walt Disney was a failure lessons to help you Win your day Today.
Thanks for stopping by for another win it minute. I want to start off with my favorite quote that states: “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it”. I am quarantined here in Orlando, Florida, the happiest place on earth, and some could say it’s the happiest place on earth because of one man. No, it’s not me that’s spreading that happiness, but it was actually Walt Disney himself. And did you know that Walt Disney’s secret to success actually lied within him, as he kept going, despite his failures.
He failed over and over. He had so many failures that you couldn’t even count them. But he kept going because he had the mindset of, despite those failures, he knew that he kept going, he would learn from them and succeed. Did you know that he didn’t actually start with Mickey Mouse? He had a character called Oswald the Rabbit, and he actually ended up losing it in a lawsuit that he didn’t even realize he signed over the rights to it and his company went bankrupt. He thought he was down. He would never ever create another character. And from that failure was born Mickey Mouse.
It all started Disney World, the city of Orlando, the success of this whole entire area, all started with a little mouse. But that mouse was born after a major failure. A ship doesn’t sink because of the water around it. It sinks because of the water that gets within that ship. And if you allow the negative things around you in your world that are happening, the traffic jam, the long line at the grocery store or the coffee shop, to get in your mind and overcome your thought process, then your whole day can sink from there. But if you don’t allow that water to get in your ship, then you’re just fine.
I was reading this article from Gary Vaynerchuk and he talks about how you can learn a lot from failure and sometimes actually winning can trick you into thinking that success is easy, but it’s not.
If you fail at something, in sports they talk about this a lot, that if you fail, like a coach, if they have a strategy that loses, you learn way more from that because you adapt and overcome it and develop a better strategy.
Think about Virgin Atlantic, Richard Branson, Warren Buffett. They’ve all learned from failures. Amazon actually became huge because bookstores just relied on their past success and weren’t learning from things that were going well and going bad and they just kept going, doing the same thing. Amazon decided to do something different and learn from other people’s failures and adapt and overcame.
That’s what you have to do, you have to realize that having the right mindset and moving forward and sometimes looking at failures as learning opportunities and don’t let that water get in your ship, then you can win the day. #Wintheday #Winitminute