Hi, thanks for reading another Win It Minute. Today, I’m so fired up because I took a trip to Mobile, Alabama and learned some great lessons. I got some great stories that will inspire you, but first I want to start off with a quote from a local book that was written called To Kill a Mockingbird, when they said, “People will find what they’re looking for and they’ll hear what they’re listening for.” And that’s what I’ve been preaching here at the Win It Minute. It’s all about the way you have an outlook on life. If you have a positive outlook, you’re going to find the positive in things, and if you have a negative outlook, you’re going to find the negative in things in life.
And did you know that in Mobile, Alabama, they actually have the highest amount of rainfall of anywhere in the United States? No, it’s not Seattle. It’s not Chicago. It’s Mobile, Alabama. Yes, and when I arrived, guess what? It was raining, and I said to one of the locals, “Hey, it rains here a lot, huh?” And she simply responded, “Yeah, but we don’t mind because it makes the trees look so green and allows the grass to be so beautiful and green as well.” And I thought, “What a great mindset that is.” Do we ever look to little obstacles or when it’s raining to look at the outcome that it produces, rather than in the moment that obstacle it’s giving us. Do you ever say when it’s raining, “Why is this happening to me?” Or do you think about the outcome that that’s going to produce in your life. It’s going to nourish life and create more life. It’s not there to stop you. It’s there to help you. So, you’ve got to look at that in the outcomes of certain things.
And also another great story that I want to teach to you about how you can have the power to move a warship worth little things. It’s the little things that add up to big things in life. In 1960, the USS Alabama was actually stranded in Seattle, of all places, and it couldn’t make it’s way home. Local schoolchildren raised enough money to help buy the way for USS Alabama to come home. That’s actually where the phrase “Sweet Home Alabama” came from. And did you know that they did it by raising nickels, dimes, quarters, and yes, even pennies. And they raised enough that way, with little small amounts, to bring the USS Alabama home.
So, never underestimate the power of little things in your life. A kind word, a smile, something to impact other people can go a long way, and yes, you too, can have the power to move a warship if you have a positive mindset and keep doing the little things that will add up to big things in your life. So get out there and make it an awesome day and move warships the Win It Minute way. Thanks for enjoying another Win it Minute! #Wintheday #Winitminute