Thanks for joining us for our Win It Minute because we all need some positivity and we need some positive messages out there. And I see it every single day that we need that positivity and that Win It Minute mentality. Every once in a while we need to control our focus because right now, faith and fear are products of our focus. News and facts are important in our life. No doubt about it. You have to be cognizant of everything that’s going on, but you also have to be cognizant of where you’re putting your focus. Fear right now is a big focal part of everyone’s daily lives. And I think we’re all living in too much fear. Sometimes you have to have to shift your perspective. Learn the facts but focus on the things you can control not the things you cannot control.
And shifting that perspective is vitally important to getting through this crisis and for us all to becoming better for it. Yes, we all can become better for this challenge ahead of us and it can be an opportunity. We will get through this if we stay together and realize we can conquer this together. When have you shifted your focus and thought, “What if this is actually here to help us and how can this help us?” Maybe it’s here to help us reset. Remember what is truly important in life. Having gratitude for the incredible lives that we have instead of always pushing harder and harder to work harder and faster to achieve more, instead of actually enjoying what we have and being grateful for what we have in life.
Family is important and Working from home, is it really that bad? Everyone’s fired up and angry that we’re quarantined at home, but isn’t that what everybody ultimately wants, to be home with their families? Everyone says that they work so hard and do everything for their family. Well, guess what? Now we’re all working from home. It can be a little frustrating at times, but that could be a better quality of life. You have more personal time. Less commuting. You’re not commuting as much, spending your time fighting traffic. There’s less pollution from the commute. But we’re having ultimately more family time, more personal time, more quality time. It’s a higher quality of life, not having to have the hustle and bustle of rushing to and from work.
You have time for self introspection, meditation, being grateful for the amazing lives that we have that we took for granted in the past. I mean, we have a higher quality of life right now than 99.9% of any human being to ever walk the face of this earth. But yet, most of us are unhappy and we’re living in these crazy times.
Yes, right now it’s a bit crazy, but we will get through this. Trust me. This also could maybe be looked at as an evolution for us as human beings. If we adapt to the changes in front of us, we could evolve and become better. We become better, we respect more family time and again, that’s what we are all saying that we worked so hard for, is for our family to have a better quality of life. Right now we have a better quality of life when you work from home. So what are we all focusing on?
I even read that there’s parts of China that are literally opening up and having blue skies and seeing clouds for the first time in decades because the factories in China were forced to shut down and so now there’s less pollution. There’s not as much pollution from all the travel and the factories and people could actually see blue skies and clouds in China for the first time in many years.
I mean, in America we … Less pollution, less commuting. You know, there’s opportunities to focus and to switch your focus to a more positive side. Be grateful for the amazing things we have. Be grateful for the extra time you get to spend with your family. Be grateful for the opportunities you get to teach your children, to teach others, to be that inspiration, to be that leader for those people around you that are starting to become fearful, that are starting to become angry or upset or scared.
You can be that beacon of life. You can show them the right way and to help others in any way that you can. We all can find a way to influence others around us and sometimes, shifting our focus from that of fear to that of faith and to be wanting to help make this world a better place, and be a part of that evolution per se, is what we are all part of. So be grateful for these opportunities.
I know it’s challenging. Believe me, I’ve been there. It’s hard. You got to slow down and take advantage of everything that you see in front of you. In fact, I drove by a sign outside of my neighborhood that I’d never even noticed for the last four years because every time I drive by it, I’m always thinking that … I have a million things in my mind where to go for work, what’s on my mind at work, what’s on my to do list … Next thing that I have to take the kids to, the next thing I have to do socially, that my mind just went on autopilot. I didn’t even notice the sign, and I had to think, “Has that that sign always been there? This is because I never noticed it before. But now I’m slowing down a little bit and noticing more things around me, being more grateful for everything. I think that’s one thing that we all will learn that we’ve got to be grateful for the amazing life that we actually have and that we had, and all the little inconveniences and angers that we had before pale in comparison to the things we’re going through now.
But we’ll become better for it. We have opportunities to grow from this, evolve from this. And it could be something that we all can learn from and grow from in the long run. So keep that mindset. Shift from fear to a mindset of faith and working toward creating a better version of ourself and the world along with it as we can impact the world to win the day.
So, get out there, stay safe. Tamper down that fear, but stay safe everyone. We’ll truly get through this together. We can do it and win the day. #Wintheday